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Val Lee's Writings

Israel—End Times

I would like to recommend the sermon at the link above. It is aptly powerful for our times. It deals with end time prophecies and what has occurred in Israel and what will. It covers the attitude of Jews who now believe Israel is the messiah and science the answer to everything. The ecumenical movement is prominent everywhere, including Israel.

One thing I gleaned from this message, regarded the UN’s declaration that was adopted in 1949. Due to the Catholics and Russia, Jerusalem was formed into an international city. This is why she has no power to rebuild the temple or do as she pleases. This is not surprising regarding the Catholics—they do not believe in Revelation. The hierarchy tells Catholics not to read Revelation because it occurred during the time of the Romans. This being what Calvinists adhere to also. Calvin was a follower of Augustine who fathered the Catholic Church and he worshipped the queen of heaven (the Catholic Mary). Catholics and Calvinists do not believe Jews have right of ownership to the Holy Land. They are out of the picture.

Armageddon occurs right before Christ’s thousand-year rule and Gog and Magog occurs after Christ’s thousand-year rule. This is made totally evident from Revelation chapter 16 and 19:11-20, Zechariah chapter 12, etc. Many people today will state, what is occurring in the Middle East is the precursor of Armageddon. Many such heretical utterances have been pronounced in recent decades. Such statements are lies. The Tribulation has not begun nor come to an end.  When it unfolds, Christ will come with all his holy angels and destroy all His enemies as described in Revelation 19, Jude 14-16, etc.  Christ will rule someday in all holy, innocent righteousness, maintaining an authoritative rod of iron in Jerusalem. He will rule a thousand years following Armageddon.  Then the final battle against evil will occur—when satan is released from hell and gathers the nations against Christ and the nation Israel;  Revelation 20:7-9 and Ezekiel 38.  The judgment then takes place. 

There have been many peace treaties signed in the Middle East with Israel and we know from Daniel 11:24 that the religious antichrist will make an alliance. We know from Daniel 7:23 that there will be four main antichrists. Revelation 13 reveals two. The main antichrist who is the religious one is viewed in Daniel 11 and various places in Scripture. We have the religious antichrist and the political antichrists. Three of the four seem to be political from Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.

In Daniel 11, we note apocalyptic events transpire in the Middle East, the home of the antichrist. In Revelation, the Euphrates River is stated twice to give us the local of end times. The main antichrist, who is spoken of in Daniel 11, starts out with a small force of people in the Middle East. He is not from America as America has a great force of people. This is not President Obama as many seen to believe. It is amazing that people refer to him as the messiah. America is not stated in the Bible. There is no apocalyptic reference to her.

Everything in Daniel 11 deals with the Middle East. We know America is not the stage of these events from this chapter and others. We recognize the true Messiah must be Jewish—of the line of David. Daniel 11:28, 36, 38 indicates the antichrist is Jewish or holds some Jewish blood. He appears to be from Israel and another nearby land. He returns to Israel (his land) with many riches and then returns to his land. This chapter is sister to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. He seems to connect himself with Israel and what would be a Muslim nation in today’s scheme. It will most likely be Iraq. And Iraq seems to be the location of mystery Babylon. Historical Babylon was in Iraq, running along the Euphrates River. The Euphrates River has changed its course and ancient Babylon’s ruins no longer rest beside this river. New Babylon will probably rest on the Euphrates, not far from the ancient city. It is the new Babylon, being it will have many resemblances. The antichrist may begin with ruling power in Iraq and Israel. He seems to be of two home areas. God knows what will be the location of his second home in the Middle East.

Other key strategic Middle East areas are Edom, Moab, Ammon, Libya and Ethiopia as viewed in Daniel 11. The religious antichrist makes a home for himself between the sea and the Holy Land at the close of the chapter. This chapter also mentions the king of the South. Saudi Arabia is south.

Hitler was ¼ Jewish or so it appears. He destroyed all his records to keep it a secret. He bombed his hometown area that held the documents and killed a man who was investigating his possible Jewish bloodline. I believe many Christians believed he was the antichrist, as he sought to rule the world in holocaustic military power just as the future antichrists. People looked to Hitler as god and sang his praises. He murdered thousands of Jews and Christians. Many antichrists will arise in the end days and Obama is certainly a type. But only a type, he holds no Jewish blood and his home is not Israel.

Things seem to be looming in the direction of concluding times and that is all I can say. I do not have any idea when the rapture will occur. I do not want God’s judgment placed upon me for assuming anything. We do know the chronological order of events from Scripture:

* The Rapture

* The Tribulation Period

* Armageddon

* The Millennium (Christ’s thousand-year rule on the earth)

*  Gog and Magog

*  The Judgment

When we were in the Gulf War, false prophets stated this was the beginning of Armageddon. Many false prophecies arose. In the OT, if one prophesied falsely once, they were to be stoned. It positively revealed the words they spoke came from Satan. What is sad is when one lies or falsely prophesies today, they are still allowed in the church, even though they have proven themselves to be of Satan. Anyone who states anything in regards to end times or anything of Biblical truth, must prove it without a shadow of doubt through Scripture. God’s Word must verify everything, verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

(1 John 5:10-13—the Bible)

Words of a pastor:

Considering the unbiblical and unconstitutional legislation at hand, it’s looking more and more like faithful Christians could soon be viewed as enemies of the state for no other reason than having believed, proclaimed and obeyed the Word of God. Not only is the church being attacked from without, it is also being undermined from within by charlatans who would transform it into something more spiritually pliable, socially useful and dialectically accommodating.

I believe Christians will again and again be called upon to choose whom we will serve in the coming days in ways that will bring more persecution and suffering than we are accustomed to, requiring a spiritual farsightedness and desire for the eternal things of God over the temporal rewards of this world.

May 26, 2009 Posted by | apocalypse, Armegeddon, Christianity, Gog and Magog, Hebrews, Hitler, Israel, Jerusalem Temple, Jews, News, Obama, Obama = Messiah, President Obama, Theology, United Nations | , , , | 1 Comment

Is Obama the Messiah?

 Obama = Messiah?

One day the entire globe will ally itself as one and will stand opposed to Christ. This being foretold in the Bible concerning the apocalyptic antichrists. These satanic beings will aim their opposition (the entire world) in unified destructive order to eradicate Jesus Christ the true Messiah. Citizens of the world are asking, “Is Obama the Messiah?” People are worshipping him as if he was the Messiah. Mankind is being taught to follow him and give allegiance to him as if he was an almighty god. The true coming anti-Christ will preach unity and peace to deceive the multitudes and this is present before us in Obama. Http://

Please watch video:

In this video    Obama mentions his Muslim Marxist cousin and jokingly putting him in the White House. His cousin burned 300 churches and killed 1,000 church attendees in Kenya when he lost Kenya’s presidential election. Obama gave a million dollars for his campaign and made sure he was made Prime Minister when he lost the election. Here is an article on the facts: 

This Washington Times news article explains how Obama and his cousin were inseparable before Kenya’s presidential election. Here is another news source:

Here is a video and article on Henry Kissinger addressing the New World Order. He believes President Obama will bring it to completion:

FRC News: “Minutes after Obama took the oath of office, the transfer of power was made complete on the White House website. The page, once home to a host of family values, now welcomes an extreme collection of anti-life, anti-woman, and anti-family agendas. Under the caption “civil rights,” Obama pledges to fight for nationwide civil unions, repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, homosexual adoption, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, expanded “hate crimes,” and over 1,100 costly same-sex benefits. He promises to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as well as block a federal amendment to preserve marriage. In exchange for the support of groups like Planned Parenthood, the abortion business is also due for a rich payoff from the 44th president, including his support of abortion-on-demand, more funding for “family planning” programs, embryonic stem cell experiments, and tax-funded abortion.”

The book of Revelation is a good place to set some of our time for in-depth study for insights into what is to loom on the horizon, though we know not when.

Val Lee

January 21, 2009 Posted by | Christianity, Hate, Muslim, News, Obama, Obama = Messiah, Politics, President Obama, Religion, Terrorists, Uncategorized | | Leave a comment