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“Son of God” movie, is it of God?

Now, I beseech you, brethren mark them that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such, serve not our LORD Jesus Christ, but their own belly. (Romans 16:17-18 in the Bible)

“Son of God” is a grandiose, high-profile production!

Many desire to know if it is true to the Bible as it claims, and rightly so.

For you to be discernibly tutored, many aspects must be investigated, including the character and motivation of its producers.

God declares in His Word that those who are involved in presenting the Word of God must be above reproach in every way and 100% faithful to Biblical truth. This includes owning a working knowledge of Bible texts.

Teachers must be separated from the ungodliness of this world—its questionable ways, philosophies, unholy activities, etc.

Various texts in the Bible are set before us to test if one is qualified to represent it.

Two key people we need to test for godliness are the producers, Roma Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett. Roma also plays Mary in this portrayal of the life of Christ.

To be forthright, Roma is a Catholic/new ager.

Roma and Mark are all about Hollywood, and are one with the stars of Hollywood, and boldly state so. Their entire lives are wrapped around this false glittering world of sin.

The couple stand with homosexuality and premarital sex. They lived together prior to marriage from all appearances. Hollywood tells their story, including the fact, they were married at “their” home. Also they were vacationing in Mexico when they became engaged.

Regarding their marriage, they were married by new ager Della Reese, who is one of Roma’s main spiritual advisers. Reese, in one of her new ager roles, appears in commercials for psychic community hotlines.

She brims with all sorts of strange doctrines and prosperity beliefs, including the “New Thought Movement” that basically lets you get whatever you desire through thought requests.

She never seems to acknowledge Jesus Christ in any sincere and true way. Mostly, she addresses god or father who is not the Biblical God.

Reese does not believe in followers going through trials and problems, because existence is to only consist of a prosperous, good life. She never deals with sin or the word “sin” from what I have researched. It is about God being in everyone, just as Roma believes.

Reese’s new age thinking emerges with voices focusing on all that we have regarding inside powers, which all good things emerge from.

Of course, being a Hollywood musical and acting legend, Reese’s life was all about dressing sexy when she was young to sell herself. Being one with the big ranks was her life—and still is. God commands Christians to come out and be separate, Reese represents the exact opposite.


This is Roma’s third marriage, and Mark’s second. God says adulterers and fornicators He will judge, but the marriage bed is undefiled. This entails a lifelong commitment to the marriage covenant; understanding a husband and wife are bound to each other as long as they live. (1 Corinthians 7:39) Of course, forgiveness of all sins can be found in Jesus Christ.

God also proclaims, the sexually immoral will be cast into the lake of fire. And God Almighty, who is all holiness, never lies. This is why men must recognize their sin and desire forgiveness through Christ’s shed blood to enter heaven. God can forgive all sin. Jesus Christ died for all of us wayward people. However, one must come to the Biblical Christ to be saved. He loves the weary and heavy laden and desires to grant them rest. (John 3:16-18 and Matthew 11:28 in the Bible)

Roma and Mark have no true Christian testimony of being washed from their sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. They appear to have very little problem with evil and any bad thing can be overcome with will power and the god within everyone.

Roma explains she has known Mary and Jesus all her life. Of course, this is the Catholic, idol Mary and false christ; the idolatrous deities of Catholic demonic, mysticism.

The true Jesus Christ is undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens, and someday everyone will stand before His throne of judgment, acknowledging all judgment has been handed to the Son from the Father. (John 5:22 and Hebrews 7:26)

Roma attempts to sound Christian to recruit people into new age Catholicism. You can see she lists herself as Catholic in Wikipedia if you research her name.

She and her husband, unfortunately, run in the most conservative Christian circles when they desire. This allows them to have the backing of the most influential and famed Christians in America or so-called Christians. They do this to maintain conservative patrons, thus procuring momentous, mega bucks from believers and church attendees who do not know their Bibles, or do not care what Scripture exhorts.

Since Roma and Mark relish the Hollywood square, it is no wonder they adore President Obama. Obama stands for every vile way and has done all he can to remove rights of Christians, while ushering in complete perversion. He also ruthlessly applauds murdering babies before their birth, and soon after they are born, if unwanted. He lies to Americans with no conviction of wrongdoing, and his list of fraudulent plots marches on within his powerful reign. (I must add, Christians are exhorted by Scripture to pray for government leaders—1 Timothy chapter 2. Above all, I believe, we need to intercede for their salvation and to perform God’s will not their own.)


The previously celebrated, religious movie was the “Passion of the Christ;” and it too was crafted to recruit people into the devilish religion of Catholicism. Its director, Mel Gibson, being a Catholic, plotted to have Mary strangely glorified.

Roma is following in Gibson’s footsteps, recruiting people into worshipping “mother Mary.” And she uses this term as her role in the movie to plant idolatrous seeds. “Mother Mary” is how idolatrous Catholics pray liturgy to a being they believe is a perpetual (unending) virgin, and is mother god.

The actual Biblical Mary had other children, after Jesus, as the Bible explains. She was only kept a virgin till the birth of Christ, upon which, she and Joseph engaged in natural marriage. Two of their five sons (Matthew 13:55), James and Jude wrote two books in the New Testament. Humbly, they did not set themselves above other believers, and rightly so.

Mark 3:31-35 clarifies the Biblical Mary in this regard: And His mother and His brothers came, and standing outside, they sent to Jesus and called him. And a crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.” And He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking about at those who sat around Him, He said, “Here is my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”


Roma talks about feeling herself levitate in her new age sphere and Mark is in full-hearted agreement with this demonic activity. This exposes the fact, demons have ahold of her being, and no doubt, influence Mark.

Roma has appeared on television with psychic, Jonathan Edward, where she has reportedly talked to her deceased mother. (Though this would not be her mother but a demon, knowing a person’s soul does not remain on the earth, whether hell or heaven-bound.) Such a practice is called necromancy, which is a witchcraft practice, and forbidden in the Bible. This is demonic communication. Anyone who engaged in demonic communications in the Old Testament was to be executed in punishment by God’s judgment.

Roma also believes in female angels and appears to believe in children angels as well. She has penned a children’s story line on children who are little angels.

There are only mature male angels in Scripture and the Bible does not lie. Angels were formed countless years before a female ever appeared on the earth, or a child.

Roma can appear most strange in her words, using common Christian clichés when needed to sound evangelical. She never comes across as totally sincere from what I have noticed in web video clips.

What is also unnerving, is this lady can dress like a whore and talk about Christianity, as if this all is normal.


Let us now consider another key component to this film, Diogo Morgado, who plays a handsome, charismatic christ; all to the pleasure of the sensual flesh, which relishes gazing upon the captivating.

God’s Word warns, the heart of a person is what is important, not the outward appearance.

Hollywood refers to Diogo Morgado as a “hot Jesus,” and Morgado delights in this title. This is all blasphemous beyond belief, in the most improprietous sense. However, this is how the producers designed it to be, to usher in countless greenbacks.

Sensuality is forbidden in the Bible and is addressed as an evil fruit of the flesh. Men and women are to look at one another in all purity. Men are to look at women as sisters in all purity. And women are responsible to dress in shamefacedness—in bashfulness towards men and in the fear of God.

This popular, posted comment is also reprehensible knowing Jesus Christ held no fleshly appearance that would draw men to His outward self. (Isaiah 53:2) And the true Christ certainly did not come across hippie-like, as the antichrist in this movie.

What is most perverse is Diogo Morgado is living in a state of fornication, living with a gal out-of-wedlock. He does pornography shots; yet, attempts to sound religious. Is it any wonder that Roma and Mark adore this man?

Imprudence does not stop here regarding this antichrist Jesus. Roma and Mark have fine tuned him the best they can to sell him as a Christian. However, he lets it be known, his coming movies are completely different in story line.


“Son of God” is an epic production in the eyes of Catholic and Christian; and is causing many people to get rich. Side items are also being sold to increase the pocketbooks of 20th Century Fox, Roma and Mark, and others.

Let us probe Fox within a paragraph. This mega corporation recently fired a newscaster for being pro natural family and not pro homosexuality. Fox is not known to promote modesty, prudishness and chastity. Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox, is a Catholic who appears to own few morals.


Let us consider outside movie promoters which include Rick Warren, Focus on the Family, Max Lucado, Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Della Reese. Oh, and I cannot forget Oprah, a good friend of Roma’s, who supports every evil thing and is known to be a lesbian.

The list of strategists for this monstrosity of a movie, appears to be endless; all are positioned to catch and deceive.

One movie promotion link:

(You must scroll to the bottom to view all these promoters.)

Naturally, none of the flick’s endorsers address the lies, false doctrines, mysticism, motivation, etc, that hides behind this silver screen gilding. Of course not! Their doctrines are full of lies as well. Their religion is ecumenical, the religion of today’s apostate church. And who knows how much of a kickback they might receive under the table and for showing their face.

The so-called Christian theologians certainly shame themselves in their Bible illiteracy, not even able to address the obvious, blaring lies.

God commands every Christian leader to know the Scriptures thoroughly.


During the Revelation apocalypse, the planet will be encased in a one world religion. This is what famed religious leaders are promoting today. The Bible states the apostasy (abandonment of the true Biblical faith) must arrive first, and this apostasy continues until Christ returns to rule the earth from Jerusalem.


Besides the above link with advocators, you have a website that orchestrates more Catholics weighing in under the direction of the movie’s creators.

One such person, an agent of satan, is Cardinal Wuel. He is sat before the public to promote Catholicism and to reveal the Catholic content of “Son of God:”

Catholics believe Peter was their first pope so this movie leaves out Andrew, Peter’s brother, at the calling of being a disciple. Both were called at the same time to leave their nets and follow Christ; Matthew 4:18f. Progressing in this passage, you read of James and John, being summoned to follow as well.

The movie also misrepresents truth when the anti-jesus states, they “will change the world.” The Bible never speaks this, nor does it voice, that Christ said to Peter, “Just give me an hour of your time and I will give you a whole new life.”

You also have the movie scene of the nets being hauled in by Peter that are full of fish by a miracle of Christ; yet, the net never breaks as the Bible records. Plus, the movie only shows Peter with Jesus in the boat when this miracle occurs. However, it was Peter’s commercial fishing boat and others were working too. Peter tells Christ to depart from him (he being a sinful man), when he comes face to face with the holy One. This is not exposed in the depiction.

James and John, who were partners with Peter, were also present at the fish netting miracle. At this time, the LORD Jesus Christ tells Peter, that he will be a fisher of men.

The Catholic cardinal states, this is all taken from the Bible; well, a great deal is not. Catholics have no problem lying to recruit, as I have learned personally.

Also, this movie’s fishing segment is demonically mystical regarding the false Jesus preparing the fish catch, though not shown in this particular clip review, but is in the trailer.

It is unbelievable that Christians would accept as truth what is made to be strange magic, that of an unfamiliar spirit!

Also on this webpage, you have Joel Osteen, who reviews the storm scene, which includes Mary being in the boat, an outrageous lie of satan who always wants to rewrite the Word of God. This scene too has a miracle performed in a blasphemous, mystical way. (The true account is located in Mark chapter 4.)

Does Osteen correct this mysticism and false doctrine? Of course, not. He is all about lies that include a contrived prosperity Gospel, which arises from the pit of hell. It is no surprise that this ecumenical man and his wife are friends of Roma and Mark.

Regarding the production’s content, it has been rightly declared, this movie is to please all, including feminists through Mary’s forthright and bold ways. Of course, the Mary of the Bible held a quiet, gentle, and submissive spirit, holding no acclaimed aspirations within women’s lib.

She did not appear most everywhere with Christ and the disciples, as the movie places her. She was not the thirteenth disciple!

On the same webpage of the fisherman review, you have a video link to a Catholic archbishop who weighs in too. Of course, Catholics desire to appear Christian in adherence with many of the cults we have today. It is all about deceiving and sending the Biblically uneducated to hell; all part and parcel with satan’s rulebook.

Catholics certainly view this movie as a good work toward salvation. They do not believe in salvation through grace, receiving the Christ of the Bible as one’s personal Savior. They think they are good enough to make it on their own efforts, no matter their inward filthiness.

It is far far better to read a Bible of a good translation, and obtain truth from God directly, and not from Catholic mystics.

Looking at the Bible, there is no other book whereby the author will come and be with you as you read, and in the most discerning, Holy Spirit filled way.

Everyone has sinned and falls short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), and can only receive eternal life in heaven by calling on Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible, not by watching a movie about God or anything, anyone would consider a religious act. Every human being requires a holy Savior, the One who hates all sin that leads to death. (Romans 6:23)


More to consider within the film frame: 

The Scriptures never state Jesus smiled nor laughed, because it is not important, though this movie seems to make it terribly important. We do know Jesus wept and this is significant, because it is recorded in the Word of God. He grieved over the sinfulness of men and their rejection of Him—the only One who can save from sin.

The only place we see God laugh in Scripture is when He laughs in judgement over those who reject Him in the tribulation or last days, before they are cast into the lake of fire for their hatred of the Savior. God will break them with a rod of iron and dash them into pieces. (Psalm chapter 2)

This flower-child like, movie star antichrist displays many arrogant, pompous looks as does the majority of Hollywood entertainers. Christ never displayed an arrogant look. God hates a proud look! (Proverbs 6:16-17)

Arrogance is forbidden in the Scriptures and Christ walked in all lowliness of person, though with righteous, commanding power. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ in bodily form, and He is the head over all principalities and power. (Colossians 2:9-10)

Also consider, Christ never posed before an artist. No art pieces of him were to be made and preserved. No one knows the appearance of Christ from this period! All works of art are a lie regarding how Christ or anyone else appeared.

It is oddly strange, that such artworks are endless. Religious artisans even believe their lying likenesses are true to form no matter how many types of Jesus and Mary renderings are produced.  Absolutely ridiculous! Much currency is manufactured and the artisans naturally enjoy this fact.

This is akin to what we read in Acts chapter 19, regarding merchants making money from idol artworks. The merchants hated Paul because he exposed that statues were not gods at all and were not to be worshipped!

The sellers felt the effects of now losing money and they ruthlessly attacked Paul.

(Many true believers in Christ have been murdered by Catholics and other idolatrous followers over the centuries for this same disclosure.)

Of course, idols of all religions pull in the dough, and just think of all the crosses that gross money.

Today, discerning Christians are being ridiculed from all corners for not standing with this movie of money, and its idol Jesus.


Regarding how Christ appears now, we do know He has white hair, as white as snow. His eyes are a flame of fire, and His feet are like bronze, as if burned in a furnace. He has a long robe with a gold sash. And a two-edged sword extends from His mouth to reveal He is a God of judgment. (Revelation chapter 1)

Additionally, the Bible tells us we no longer know Christ after the flesh. (2 Corinthians 5:16)


Other lies are presented with the raising of Lazarus of Bethany. (John chapter 11) Jesus knew all the time Lazarus had died and was not surprised as the movie attempts to portray. Jesus Christ is omniscient (all-knowing) and all omnipotent (all-powerful), and therefore, could and did raise Lazarus when he called upon His heavenly Father.

Jesus did not go into the tomb as the movie depicts, nor does it say Jesus gave him a strange kiss in the tomb (very questionable in presentation).

In truth, Christ called out to Lazarus to “come forth” and Lazarus did, still bound in grave-clothes.

Martha and Jesus did not enter the tomb together and then all three emerge to the happy cries of an awaiting crowd of spectators.

Due to this resurrection miracle, the religious leaders sought even more to put Christ to death and also desired that Lazarus be put to death as well (John 12:10). These were murdering, cunning Jews who could never be placed in a good light! From what I understand, the movie tries to tie some goodness to the Sadducee and Pharisee religious sects. How unbelievable!


Another item of interest, which viewers have observed, is the fact Judas is made to be a victim by Christ to betray Him. This is blasphemy to the hilt!

Judas the betrayer, is a son of perdition or a son of hell (John 17:2), rightly designated by God Almighty! He was satan’s child and satan’s children attempt to justify Judas.

Judas was a wolf of a man; one who stole from the money-box for his own prosperity … a man of greed. He was an actor who portrayed a righteous man in order to deceive and take all he could from the Savior and His ministry.

Also the kiss that Judas gives Jesus in the film is homosexual-like. A kiss of Hollywood vileness that makes your heart-sick.

The Bible teaches, all the deep-rooted sins within Judas drove him to betray Christ in a murder driven way.

Psalm 109, verses 6 and following, in the Old Testament, is a prophecy Psalm of exposure, referencing this despicable man, who became cursed of God and his family.

Judgment says, “Let his days be few and let another take his office.” “Let his children be fatherless,” beggars, and their seed cut off, and “his wife made a widow.”

Acts chapter 1 also exposes the character of Judas, which declares he was a guide to those who removed the Savior; and he rightly died, seeing his bowls gushed out.

Another dubious lie to those who know the Scriptures, is the crying out of Mary, “Let Him be,” when Jesus is arrested and beaten.

The false Catholic “mother Mary” is always guarding Jesus, and is inseparable.

Catholicism, New Age, Hinduism, Buddhism, all provide glimpses into Mystery Babylon that will appear in the tribulation, in all its idolatrous vileness. Idol worship will prevail everywhere as I have addressed in my book, Revelation the Explanation: Revelation the Explanation Book (Part 1)

True believers know they can obtain holy, superior truth by sitting down and reading the Bible for two hours, as opposed to driving to a theatre to glue the eyes to a silver screen, upon which the Word of God is added to, subtracted from and blasphemed.


Hollywood is a harlot and a producer of lies, rarely substantiated truth.

Christians are called to dwell only on truth, not that which is manufactured in the mind.

Unfortunately, despite all the movie’s flaws, Christians still say, “It will draw people to Christ.” I say God does not need this blasphemous movie to draw men to Himself. He can cause the stones to cry out a correct Gospel that adds no extra words or actions, nor subtracts them. Nor does He require mysticism to save men.

Having all virtuous Christians in America going door to door with the true Gospel of salvation would accomplish great things. Christians must continue to pray for more to enter God’s harvest. This includes supplications to God, to raise up godly men to street preach in populated locations to those who have never heard of the saving love of Christ. Most people need to hear the unadulterated Gospel. We must stay on the right tract and not deviate to the world’s entertaining deceptions.

Love in our Savior, who desires Christians be led into all truth—Colossians 1:9-14,

Val Lee

To learn of God’s personal love for you, please click here: paradise 

March 12, 2014 Posted by | 20th Century Fox, Della Reese, Focus on the Family, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, Son of God the movie, Uncategorized | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. J. Budziszewski (of Focus on the Family)—Lied To Me

© Val J. Lee

Catholic gold wall of idolatry in cathedral in Spain 

Gigantic Catholic monstrosities display idolatrous, extravagant wealth that implores people to worship what has been crafted by man’s hands. 1 Peter 1:18-19 reminds true believers, they were not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ—their sacrificial Lamb.  (1 John 5:10-13—the Bible) Please link: Paradise

Dear Readers,

This posting is regarding renowned author, Dr. J. Budziszewski, and his deceitful comments written to me: He is highly respected by the organization, Focus on the Family, and they publish his column: “Ask Theophilus.” Dr. Budziszewski is also a frequent speaker to groups such as InterVarsity, Campus Crusade, and the Veritas Forum. He resides in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Sandra.

He forthrightly lies concerning his involvement in the New Age religion.  He is a Catholic, one who worships foreign deities, including the false Mary of the Catholic Church. This all goes along with the Catholic Church’s mysticism (magical endeavors), as you can read for yourself at Wikipedia, Catholic Encyclopedia, etc. God declares idolaters are kept out of heaven—Revelation 21:8, 22:15, 1 Corinthians 6:9, etc.

I contacted Focus on the Family regarding this idolatrous man of deception. Unfortunately, I received no response. I am not surprised, knowing Dr. Dobson was featured on the cover of a Catholic magazine that promoted Mary worship. He once placed Mother Teresa’s photo on the cover of Clubhouse Magazine; she was glorified as a role model for children. She forthrightly worshipped Mary and other idolatrous false deities. The magazine never warned children that idolators are kept out of heaven.


 Truth Project:

The Vilest of the Vilest is paraded on the Truth Project video series, produced by Focus on the Family. I refer to Roman Catholic Priest, Robert Sirico, who In 1975, performed the first civil-licensed same-sex marriage in Denver Colorado. Yes, this man is presented in the Truth Project.

Roman Catholic Report:

Father Robert A. Sirico was born on 23 June 1951, in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1972.
Sirico established a different kind of ‘church’ – a satellite of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Church (UFMCC) founded by homosexual activist Rev. Troy Perry in Los Angeles in 1968. The UFMCC teaches that homosexuality is neither a sin nor a sickness and that “homosexual relationships should be celebrated and affirmed.” The UFMCC has been used as a battering ram against the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant sects who oppose homosexuality.”
In 1975, Rev. Sirico moved to Los Angeles and became the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Gay Community Center, one of the oldest and largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) organizations in the world. He also continued his work as a minister of the UFMCC.
One year later, on 12 April 1976, Rev. Sirico, dressed in a black clerical suit with a Roman collar made the pages of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer under the headline “‘Male Slave Mart’ Raid in L.A. Called a Mistake. ” As reported by the Seattle  P-I, on April 10, 1976, Los Angeles policemen dressed in riot gear arrested 40 persons participating in a homosexual “slave market” held at the Mark IV Health Club in Hollywood. The bathhouse was operated by a sadomasochist cult called the Leather Fraternity. Nude “male slaves” were led on stage by an auctioneer and inspected by potential buyers. “Slaves” went for $10-75. The undercover policeman at the auction told the press that he picked up a man for $16 following assurances from the auctioneer that the ‘volunteer for charity’ would perform specific sex acts on him. The auction room came complete with its own dungeons and cell blocks and sadomasochist apparatus including leather harness restraints and chains.

Sirico is a diabolical priest, who is a homosexual promoting idolator, a man who adhere’s to “another gospel” the false gospel of Mary and other idols. We are to separate ourselves from the false teachers! 2 Peter chapter 3, the book of Jude, etc.

Beware of the Truth Project as it holds errors and false teachers. R C Sproul is promoting this series. He is a Calvinist. One who believes the church was replaced Israel.  Another true danger sign regarding this series is the fact, Dr. Del Tackett, the focal teacher, is also a Calvinist! Calvinists adhere to many demonic lies.

To follow John Calvin, you have to approve of every evil thing. Calvin denied Christ, stating man would defeat and bind Satan not Jesus Christ, on the tree of crucifixion, in his Genesis chapter 3 commentary. To convince others that mankind is bringing in the kingdom today or that we are living in the kingdom age, every evil way has to be approved. (They do believe satan is bound at this time.) Calvinists are people of deception who deny the books of Revelation, Zechariah, and portions of the Old and New Testaments. They do no believe in an omniscient God who knows all and who has always known all; and never has had to rewrite Scripture to please Calvinists.

Zechariah 12:7-10 is one Scripture passage that exposes the folly of their lies. It declares Jesus Christ will destroy all the enemies of Israel and will glorify this nation, and the Jews will look upon Him whom they pierced. No one can legitimately separate these Zechariah verses.

In this series, people are encouraged to read Calvinistic/Preterist writings.


Another aspect of this video series that troubles my heart is viewed in the advertisement, an art depiction of Eve in the nude. God warns in Jeremiah regarding the wickedness of those who no longer know how to blush. Jeremiah 6:15 declares that God’s judgment was to fall on those of loathsome conduct, those who no longer knew how to blush. Nude artworks have always been part of the pagan way, but never of true Christianity, nor present with the righteous, ancient Hebrews.

God commands that women be covered in shamefacedness, and not their bareness exposed in any form. Christianity includes admonishments in prudishness and chastity. The LORD wants His daughters dressed modestly so men are not tempted to sin through their thoughts or desires via women’s short, low or tight dressing. I know that decades ago, people would have been completely shocked to see a presentation with a depiction of a bare woman in the church.


Also within this video series the terms “postmodernism” and  “world view” are promoted. I must ask what does postmodernism and our world view have to do with Jesus Christ who never changes and has nothing in common with this sinful world and its hip terms? One insightful person wrote regarding the Truth Project: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ is replaced by the World View.”  This world is a graveyard of death and sin, its only hope is Jesus Christ who will come again and rule from Jerusalem after he has murdered all His enemies; Revelation chapter 19.

Of course, we need to take every opportunity to witness to others so that they might be saved and be delivered from the Lake of Fire.


I must add, Focus on the Family clarifies its part in the New Spirituality religion. It has little or no disputes with the demonic Harry Potter book series and movies, and other satanic movies.

Furthermore, this organization uplifts movies with nudity, along with every other vile way:

This Lawless movie review link does provide some warnings; though the main thrust is approval if you choose to view it. Focus on the Family spokespeople certainly would not condemn you since one or more of the staff viewed it. Its upper main red “CAUTION” box regards it not being appropriate for children. You can read, the viewer warning is not for teens and adults, just for children.

In the main section of the summary, that most will only read, there is no warning regarding sexual vileness.  It is not explained until one scrolls down past the listed “Positive Elements.” Not till you scroll toward the bottom, do you find any negative comments regarding this flick.

Focus on the Family forthrightly speaks of the nudity and sex in this movie with pornographic words to explain every detail. No Christians should put such words before their eyes. And I do not recommend the reading of this section. This is one website that I never desire to revisit!

Focus on the Family does not expose the sexual content as outright sin nor the mobster murders and bootlegging—the main thrust of this movie.

Review quote …  “all this movie has to sell, really, is star power, depression-era texture and bare-knuckle grit. And it’s got overflowing vats of each. The sets and scenery look realistic enough to almost beg for a sepia tone camera filter. And the actors deliver theatrical flair aplenty, from Tom Hardy’s grunting bootleg brother to Jessica Chastain’s looking-for-a-better-life ex-feather dancer to Guy Pearce’s fastidious but viscous special agent.”

Of course, no one should have viewed this R rated movie, knowing they would be deliberately placing wickedness before their eyes. Obviously, the viewer analyst, did not walk out of the theater when evil appeared on the screen. Plus, why would Focus on the Family critique a movie with an R rating, if they believed no Christian would dare desire to watch a movie with this rating?

You can see Focus on the Family is totally void of the Holy Spirit, totally carnal and Hollywood minded. Why would any righteous person want to promote this movie in the slightest way? How could any believer want others to place this evil before their eyes? God does not desire we deliberately place any evil before our eyes. He wants our minds clean! He wants this sin preached against powerfully! We are to be rejoicing in those things that teach total moral uprightness.

God commands in Philippians 4:8 that we dwell on that which is pure and virtuous. This creates mental healthiness. We must also dwell on the true, and Hollywood does not teach the true. And the true-to-life portrayals are only based on some truth; all Hollywood story lines are placed on a screen with all glorification, in choreography perfection. It is not reality nor can it represent the total reality that once was.

Hollywood is of the sensual, the fruit of the flesh, not the teachings of the inerrant Word of God.


I once addressed my concerns to Focus on the Family regarding their advertisement of the criminal and pornographic movie, “Cool Hand Luke,” several years ago. This promotional was placed in our church bulletin! They had recommended it as a movie that fathers and young sons should view together. Someone from this organization did respond to my concern; however, I do not believe they perceived it as being publicized in error. It is difficult to comprehend that they discerned this movie as Biblically pure and honoring to the LORD Jesus Christ.

Hollywood is owned by satan; yet, Focus on the Family, advertises for Hollywood. Only God knows their motivation, though a money aspect would not surprise me.

It is unbelievable that a Christian organization would advertise satan’s realm. Obviously, very nasty people work for Focus on the Family.

We are to come out from amongst the unsaved and their notorious ways, and be separate—2 Corinthians 6:14f.

An apostate age surrounds true believers. Matthew 7:21-23 teaches that many will come in Christ’s name saying we have done this and that in the way of ministry. Christ will respond with that fact He never knew them, because they were of the way of iniquity or sin—meaning they did not follow the paths of purity, innocence, holiness, righteousness, etc. They are the participants in wicked promoting!

January 8, 2010 Posted by | Budziszewski, Catholicism, Dr. J. Budziszewski, Focus on the Family, Truth Project, Uncategorized | , , , , | 4 Comments