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Val Lee's Writings

Planned Parenthood’s Ultrasound Debate

@ Val Lee

Dear Readers,

Below is my letter to the editor that was printed in the Idaho Statesman Newspaper. Following the Planned Parenthood information is a story of good news.

To the Editor,

The debate rages regarding an expectant mother viewing the visual image of her unborn child on an ultrasound screen, previous to an abortion.

Idahoans must exercise common sense, acknowledging when someone breaks an arm or leg, the physician displays their X-ray. Why cannot a mother observe her child moving in her womb, before his or her life is extinguished?

Abortionists implement an ultrasound to determine the age for payment due. They would simply need to pivot the screen for the mother to see.

A lie is uttered when abortionists sadly declare they must purchase the ultrasound devices. Furthermore, a portable ultrasound machine can be obtained for $56.00 through Amazon.

Planned Parenthood is not poorly funded, receiving an annual income of $363,200,000; thirty-three percent sustained by taxpayers.


It must also be understood that this organization and President Obama adheres to mercilessly, murdering children after birth:

This last video explains why President Obama put our soldiers’ livelihood on the line when he threatened to shut down our government more than once to protect Planned Parenthood:

President Obama and our Troops

Consider the fact US Troop deaths in Afghanistan, under President Obama, ring in twice the number in death tolls compared to our last administration that served two terms.  Under President Obama our troops cannot return fire if civilians are present, and Muslim terrorists surround themselves with their wives and children to block any retaliation. Our soldiers state, “Muslims fight as cowards,” which leads to needless deaths in our military.

LA Times on the death sentence placed upon our soldiers:

Miracle Man

My heart was jolted upon reading the story of an unsavory man who road in a motorcycle club.

After marrying and becoming the father of two, he believed he could change the direction of his untamed, motorcycle lifestyle. Trying to “straighten out his life” proved to be “much harder then he had imagined.” It was too easy to return to his comfortable, sinful ways.

He finally found himself in a motel room in Missouri, contemplating smothering the life from a man with a bullet. Premeditated murder became the horrid result of doing things his way. This death sentence pronounced on his foe, resulted in a deal “gone bad.”

He placed an automatic pistol in his hand. At the same time, sensing he should take his own life instead. He pulled the hammer back and put the barrel to his head.

For some unknown reason, he laid the gun down on the bed where he sat. His eyes were drawn to a Bible on the end table. He picked it up and began to read of a man named Jesus. Before long, he was on his knees crying, and asking the LORD to save him.

His burden was lifted and “he felt new inside.” “He was forgiven of all his sins and everything he had ever done!”

He immediately phoned his wife and told her his conversion story. He also relayed that he wanted to attend church.

His wife also gave her heart of Jesus Christ, and they eventually served in a ministry to bikers. Praise God!

Val Lee

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March 29, 2012 Posted by | Gun to Head Decision, Letter to Editor, Planned Parenthood, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment